Category Archives: Opinion

I Am a Deviant


I found this Facebook meme to be highly offensive.

Deviance. The word conjures thoughts of something sinister, but in actuality, there is nothing bad in the definition of deviance. It means, simply, to behave in a manner that does not conform to social norms.

Why is it that we place so much emphasis on living our lives according to the same values as the majority? I think it’s because as a culture we look to “normal” behaviour as a compass for morality.

When it comes to matters that are relatively small in scope, like being an omnivore vs. a vegetarian, to tattoo or not to tattoo, socialism vs. capitalism, both sides poke fun at each other. Though there may be some disdain, it seems like we can all agree to disagree.

When it comes to larger issues, like gay rights, polyamory, child-free living or atheism though, things get really heated really fast.  A small but highly vocal faction of the majority tends to get up on their moral high horse and tell everyone else that because others are not living their lives in a traditional way, there must be something wrong with them. I know there is backlash from the side of those who do not conform to the norm. Who wouldn’t lash back when most people around you assume that because you are not making the same choices as them, you are some kind of freak?

After all, if most everyone is doing it a certain way, then the way you’re doing it must be wrong. I wish I was exaggerating this point, but in talking with people who value going with the mainstream, I hear the same thoughts echoed over and over.

Homosexuality? It’s just not normal.

Fostering romantic relationships with more than one person? That just isn’t right.

Choosing not to have children? It goes against nature.

Atheism? Everyone believes in some kind of god.

I’m here to say that not only am I okay with the choice to wander off the beaten path–I support it. 100%. As long as you are not abusing or exploiting anyone with your lifestyle, then by all means–have at ‘er. Because I truly believe the source of so many of the major problems in our society is the decision not to question the default.

What do you think caused the economic downturn? People not questioning the societal belief that debt is not only normal, but necessary to life.

Why do you think our landfills are drowning in trash and the atmosphere is thinning? Because of the unwavering commitment to materialism and “progress” above the welfare of the Earth, our home.

Not to mention the fact that so many things that we once considered “normal” and “moral” are now looked at today as archaic at best. Think about our recent history where women were not allowed to work or vote, interracial couples were prohibited from marrying, and working on a Sunday was against the law. Norms change all the time. Those who deviate are simply ahead of the curve, or don’t care about following it at all.

We cannot force people to live their lives within the confines of society’s currently approved boxes. We should all be free to swim against the current.

Ask anyone who knows me and they will say I’ve never been “normal.”

I’m not ashamed to say it: I Am a Deviant